Retail Weather
Forecast and past comparison information to inform your retail operations and marketing decisions
Weather Analytics and Insights: Creating New Opportunities for Competitive Advantage in the Australian Retail Sector.
The Retail Weather Site is a valuable tool for anticipated sales trends of products that are heavily weather-influenced. Upload your sales data for comparisons to corresponding weather parameters, such as temperature and rainfall. Anticipate spikes and troughs in demand using MetraWeather's high accuracy 14-day, 4-week and 6-month forecasts by sales region or location.
Retail analytics
Supply chain interruptions can also be anticipated through specialised forecasting services, such as hail storms across cherry farms in the lead-in to Christmas. Ultimately, MetraWeather’s analytics and forecasts services improve profitability and increase net promoter scores for retail clients.
Medium & Long term forecasts
MetOcean Solutions’ Hindcast data provide high quality marine weather information generated in-house by a team of expert scientists using state-of-the-art atmospheric and oceanographic models. The hindcast statistics can be accessed through the MetOceanView platform with no login required.
Suitable for environmental investigations and climate analysis, the datasets offer key baseline information for project scoping, offshore and coastal design, project planning and environmental impact assessment.
This cost-effective service allows retailers and suppliers to:
Better match supply and demand for weather-sensitive product lines.
Reduce inventory-holding costs and wastage of perishable items.
More accurately forecast future inventory requirements.
Capture extra sales during high-demand periods.
Manage stock-movement decisions.
Improve sales forecasts based on daily, weekly, and monthly forecast data.
Anticipate challenges to supply chain operations due to weather events.
“Partnering with MetraWeather for weather observation and forecast services has helped us develop business tools to support our commercial strategies in the Insecticides FMCG market. We are able to inform our customers with confidence of our seasonal predictions and swiftly react to climate changes based on the 4 week forecasts.”
Stephen Lee, Business Analyst at RB (Hygiene Home) Australia
Clients who use this product
MetraWeather Supplies to Large Retail Outlets and their Suppliers, including FMCG Companies
MetraWeather works with some of the largest retailers and FMCG companies in the world, to provide intelligent weather solutions that help with key decision making within sales, buying, operations and marketing teams. Clients include Tesco, Waitrose, Morisons, Reckitt, Gale Pacific and Holman Industries.
Frequently asked questions
Ideally 4+ years of sales data is required to best capture the relationships between consumer demand and weather parameters.
MetraWeather has forecasts at short-range (14 day at sub-daily resolution), medium rang e (4-Week at Weekly resolution) and Long Range (6-months at monthly resolution) to provide the lead times you need for key decisions within your business.
While many retail clients focus on the impacts of weather on consumer demand, it can also interrupt the supply of crucial inputs. Heavy rain and cold weather can cause shortages of potatoes and other vegetables, flooding can interrupt supply routes and hot weather can reduce dairy output. MetraWeather can forecast the risk of all of these hazards well in advance so you can secure alternate supplies to avoid stockouts.